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Maximum productivity with minimum effort

Simple Wellness That Works!

Say goodbye to wellness programs your employees ignore

  • lightning

    Ease stress

  • rocket

    Boost employee productivity

  • completed

    Alleviate pain from prolonged sitting

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"I’m your typical office employee who sits around a lot and this app has made it incredibly easy for me to pick a program and maintain a healthy daily routine. Recommend to all looking to improve their overall health!"

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"I stretched for about an hour and a half this morning and I feel amazing. The STRETCHIT app is really the truth. If you work at a desk often or just want to gain more flexibility you should check it out."

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"I work and study, so sometimes I sit 12 hours a day, and I can really feel it in my body, especially hips. With the 10 minutes programs with STRETCHIT, I feel as good as new. Give yourself this gift!!! AWESOME!!"

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"So great, never thought I’d be flexible like this. Thank you!!!! Highly recommend for anyone tight from sitting."

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"I injured my back sitting down for a marathon zoom meeting for work (4+ hours). I downloaded this app and although I'm only 2 days and 5 sessions in, it's helped more than the PT after the first 3-min intro class. In the mornings I do a back rehab and a full body, which takes me less than 20 min."

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"I have had Si fusions on both sides - STRETCHIT is PERFECT for the issues I have with sitting. Thank you so much!"

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"This app is fantastic. You think you've done it all but nope, you taught me several different moves. I'm going to do these stretches regularly. Thanks for something new!"

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"I never knew how much pain I felt until I stretched my muscles with the office stretch program."

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"Just did this stretch on my desk and trying to put this on my daily agenda. Sharing with others. Thank you for teaching!"

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"This app helped me so much. I have some real bad back pain and long work days can make it unbearable. These stretches are perfect!!! Thank you so much!"

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84% of stretchit users make stretching a habit after using the app for just two weeks

Improves employee health & productivity

Our programs are designed to significantly improve employee well-being by targeting common issues like back pain, neck strain, and mental stress. Employees who feel mentally supported are more engaged, energetic, and focused, leading to higher quality work and productivity.

93% of stretchit users relieve physical discomfort from prolonged desk work in just a week

Reduce Healthcare Expenses And Absenteeism

Routine stretching and mobility exercises are key in preventing musculoskeletal disorders. Proactively tackling these health issues not only curtails absenteeism but also leads to a reduction in healthcare claims and insurance costs. Our solution is prevention rather than prescription.

tailored stretching program to boost your staff’s morale


World class

Our instructors are world-class, certified experts with decades of experience in movement and human anatomy. They'll skillfully guide your employees through exercises, making it easy for them to adopt stretching as a daily habit.


User friendly interface

Our interface, designed for simplicity and effortless navigation, eliminates the learning curve. This ensures your employees can seamlessly commit to a program and experience compounding benefits.


Holistic view

We focus on the broader benefit: healthy, productive employees. Each of our programs is designed to encourage your employees to improve mobility, ensuring they arrive at work happy, productive, and healthy, rather than silently suffering.


Employee-centric approach

Your employees have access to a vast content catalog, allowing them to customize programs to their specific needs. Whether it’s reducing stress, alleviating neck and back pain, or establishing a daily stretching routine, everything is fully customizable.

impact of an employee who is physically and mentally supported

Let`s connect

Talk with a corporate wellness specialist to find out how stretchit can empower your team — in person, remotely, or both.

In this call we will

  • Answer questions

  • Discuss your needs

  • Provide resources and information for other decision makers on your team